6 Sports stories worth reading

Having completed my sports memoir, I’m looking for a new avenue for my creativity while I pursue other projects.

Having got into Seth Godin and Isaac Morehouse, both of whom advocate regular blogging and writing, I’m going to try and keep myself accountable to writing, and more crucially ‘shipping’ pieces every day.

I’ve written a piece on sports memoir, authenticity and TGSTEL - if you get this reference then you are super niche - but slightly ridiculously, I want to be able to publish it tomorrow when it’s a bit more fully formed.

Today I made another push for email subscribers to help publicise my book and the tweet I used got some great traction. Thanks to those who liked, retweeted and engaged with it. Even though the numbers are comparatively small, it’s thrilling to experience.

If you want to sign up then here’s the link - https://lostinfrance.carrd.co - I’ve included the revised introduction and the first couple of chapters as bonuses which you’ll be able to download once you’ve signed up.

Partly as prep for tomorrow’s piece, partly because it’s on topic and partly just because it’s fun, here are some sports memoirs and autobiographies that I’d recommend

You can buy the books by following this link.

To my shame, I realised when writing this that I have a glaring lack of female voices in the sports books that I’ve selected. If you’ve got any recommendations then please let me know, by email or on Twitter.

Ben Mercer